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US $5 Will provide enough vitamins to boost a child's immune system for 6 months. Food grown in radioactive soil has very little nutritional value. It is essential that the children receive vitamin supplements. US $10 Will give a child like Igor Satsura 3 years of life-saving medicine. Igor has cancer of the thyroid gland. Children like Igor need the drug L-Thyroxin every day just to stay alive. US $50 For a painless last few months. In the final stages of cancer painkillers are the only comfort these children can appreciate. $50.00 will provide enough painkillers for a child to die with dignity. US $200 Will prolong a child's life by two years. Its a lot of money but it will pay the air fare for one child to travel to Ireland. A month in our uncontaminated environment will prolong a child's life by 2 years. Registered in Dublin, Ireland. No. 211588 Registered Charity No. CHY 11477 Directors: Adi Roche, Simon Walsh, Eoin Dinan, Mary Ahern, Helen Barrett, and Helen Faughnan.